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Nothing: to be done. performance in public space + publication
"Projekt Birkenstrasse", Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik Berlin (2018)

By definition, the underground station is a public waiting area. By going down a few stairs from the street level or arriving from a different platform, people enter the underground station step into an eternal sphere of waiting. However, in the era of social networks and constant flow of information into our smartphones, it seems that we have lost our ability to wait.

Simply, wait.

Texting, checking, sending, listening and notifying, we will do anything to fill the “void”, avoiding the in between. And, if waiting is perceived as a waste of time, we just stop doing it, right?

The aim of Nothing: to be done. is to reclaim the human ability of waiting in public spaces as an essential element of our everyday life. In order to regain this lost ability, we need to reeducate ourselves and practice.

In the pursuit of waiting, we turn to the master of gaps and lingering, silences and absences, Samuel Beckett, and his great play Waiting for Godot.

Each time with a different cohort, we commence a process of collaborative writing, transforming the first act of Waiting for Godot into a waiting manual, a source of practical exercises embodying the illusive notion of waiting.

The writing process results in a publication of the handbook: 

Holding our waiting manuals we facilitate a group waiting practice in the underground station. This waiting practice is pursued in a somatic and performative approach, interpreting of the handbook's exercises in a game-like format.

supported by: ZK/U Berlin, 48h Neukolln, Paranasos cultural center Utrecht.

Workshop: October 6 2018, Cultural Center,Utrecht, Holland.
Performance: October 26 2018, Projekt Birkenstrasse, ZK/U Berlin

with and by: Daphna Westerman, Yotam Shibolet, Tanja Ritterbex, Ira Khan, Yoam Rozin, and Netta Weiser.

Design: Lorenz Huchthausen

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